A downloadable game

A game created by

  • Max "Mullenratte" B.
  • Arne "Brodkrummen" B.
  • Janis "Janis" R.

for the PJP Game Jam 2024-1 (the theme was: BUILDING UP)

In Rigor Mortis you are a mysterious person, said to lead a life of dark deeds. One day you're exposed and get thrown into a deep well. In order to get out, you resort to a gruesome method of building yourself up.


  • WASD to move
  • SPACE to jump
  • TAB to pause
  • LMB to attack
  • RMB to pick up corpses
  • ESC (or ALT + F4) to close game

We had a lot of fun creating this small piece, although there were only 48 h for this jam, and it was the first one we ever seriously participated in! This means there will be bugs that we simply didn't have time to find and fix, so please be indulgent.

I hope you'll enjoy the outcome! :) 


Rigor-Mortis.zip 57 MB

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